Information about the different events at school is published in several different ways.
Newsletters - for events involving either a whole year level or the whole school, notices will be sent home with students.
Social media - we post information about upcoming events on facebook and instagram.
School website - see under News & Events.
School Noticeboard - the events of the day are displayed on the electronic noticeboard by the front gate.
Emails - sometimes we will email parents/caregivers/whānau with information about upcoming events so it is important that we have current contact details.
If in doubt, please call the school on (09) 296 4400 between 8am and 4pm
Term 1 2025
Tuesday 11 March - Student led hui (110am - 7pm). More information to follow
Thursday 20 February - Year 9 Meet the Teachers BBQ (5 - 7pm). For more information, please see the newsletter from Friday 14 February
Wednesday 19 February - Whānau Day (9:20am - 2:30pm). For more information, please see the newsletter from Friday 14 February